What is a Virtual Assistant, and

Why Do You Need to Hire One?

When I started my first business, I was handling everything on my own. Customer support, and late-night conversations with Chinese suppliers - every aspect of my business was my responsibility. I believed this was the only way to do it.

From a young age, we're taught in school that homework is meant to be done independently; working alone is the norm. This mindset often carries over to running a business. However, in the business world, not learning to delegate can leave you quickly lagging behind the competition.

We need to unlearn the idea that we have to do everything ourselves and start learning how to delegate. Hiring a virtual assistant is an excellent and cost-effective way to do this.

A virtual assistant is like having a personal or executive assistant exclusively online, dedicated to improving your efficiency and productivity by taking care of tasks you'd rather avoid. These assistants are often hired from abroad to keep costs in check, with virtual assistants from the Philippines available for approximately $900 per month. This is often 80% less than talent in the U.S.

Virtual assistants in the Philippines are proficient in English, open to working in compatible time zones, highly qualified, and significantly more affordable. Based on my experience, they are also more likely to stay with you long-term, saving you the hassle and expenses of repeatedly hiring and training new people for similar roles.

Here is a list of tasks you can delegate to a virtual assistant:

-Scheduling meetings
-Responding to emails
-Conducting research
-Customer Support
-Inventory management
-Discord management
-Airbnb property management
-Data entry
-Travel arrangements
-Sales and marketing
-Any task for which you can create a standard operating procedure can be delegated.

Hiring a virtual assistant has been one of the most transformative aspects of running my business. By handing off repetitive tasks that used to consume my attention, I stopped being a bottleneck in my own operations. I stopped doing tasks I hated and started delegating to focus on tasks I enjoyed and was better at.  How business owners and key decision-makers allocate their time, focusing on activities of significant value, remains one of the crucial drivers of business success. Get out of your own way and hire a virtual assistant today.

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